Vision Pro may have an app problem 📲

Plus iOS 17.3 released; "Watershed moment" for artist AI protection; The future of design (Today at 9am PST); figbruary is fast approaching; Live AMA with Google PMs, Devs, and Designers; Behind the DevDay brand; 10 ways designers can make $10k/mo with Framer; and more...


Here’s what’s happening today in design: Vision Pro may have an app problem; iOS 17.3 released; "Watershed moment" for artist AI protection; The future of design (Today at 9am PST); figbruary is fast approaching; Live AMA with Google PMs, Devs, and Designers; Behind the DevDay brand; 10 ways designers can make $10k/mo with Framer; Don't do these dark design patterns; TastyType newsletter is back; A new iOS app icon mockup bundle; How to get your dream webflow agency job; This button is the epitome of convenience; Can't figure out why I like this daily news widget...; Demo videos on X are getting crazy.


Sealing Innovation: The Envelope-Making Machine Patent.

On January 23, 1849, a significant advancement in office supplies and postal services was marked by the granting of a U.S. patent to Jesse K. Park and Cornelius S. Watson for their envelope-making machine. This invention streamlined the production of envelopes, transforming what was once a manual and time-consuming process into an efficient, mechanized operation. The ability to mass-produce envelopes quickly and consistently had a profound impact on communication and commerce, facilitating the growth of the postal service and enhancing the ease with which people and businesses could correspond. Park and Watson's invention represents a pivotal moment in the history of design and manufacturing, highlighting the importance of innovations that simplify and improve everyday objects and tasks.







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